Comments on: Making meetings more human? Raising The Eight Bar Thu, 10 May 2012 17:04:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: eightbar » Blog Archive » Second Life and West Wing? Mon, 04 Sep 2006 10:10:54 +0000 […] As has been reported in a number of places politicians are starting to come to the metaverse. I will be politically neutral here. However it does bring up something that a few of us were discussing the other day. We met with Asif Noorani from Epiphany Productions, to discuss how we work in Second Life and show some of our other projetcs off in the Real World. Asif mentioned he was a big fan of the West Wing and one way and another that led us to a mad idea. Many of the meetings in Second Life tend to be people gathering in spaces and staying still. Now in West Wing much of the interaction happens in fast bursts as the characters walk down the coridoors. So what if we just replicated a coridoor/conveyor belt for a specific type of meeting. i.e. rather than those with a fixed place, or the ad hoc instant messaging across places. When you want someone’s full attention for 30 seconds to 1 minute then both teleport to the West Wing coridoor. You are giving one another the ability to have full attention, and indicating that by your presence but you are also indicating that this will be fleeting, yet you still have avatar expressions and non verbal exchanges whilst walking. It very easy to build in Second Life, but what other new meeting metaphors are there out there? […]

By: epredator Tue, 15 Aug 2006 18:01:59 +0000 Jeff, that is Eightbars Yossarian Seattle’s rather good translator HUD. Its a work in progress, but he has sold a few.
It has been interesting to help him in testing, but also discussing how such a full function device should work.

By: Jeff Barr Tue, 15 Aug 2006 14:02:17 +0000 This is awesome and I am in total agreeement.

What is the HUD in the bottom right of the first screen shot?

By: epredator Mon, 14 Aug 2006 17:16:43 +0000 Steve, yes that very true. A lot of education already is going on in SL. Linden Labs have a favourable set of prices for educational establishments. I often give people 5-50 min tutorials as an intro.
The newbie areas also run show and tell sessions, business consulting sessions etc.
The exciting thing is that there are new ways to do things as well as enhancing the existing ones. Does an object weigh more until you have learned about it and passed some tests, then it gets lighter?

By: Steve Castledine Mon, 14 Aug 2006 15:43:37 +0000 This is something I have thought would be the way forward for a long time.

Currently telephone meetings can be quite cold, mainly due to the lack of social cue’s.

Second Life now can add something to that – if we get further with facial expressions – then we are even closer.

In addition – tommorrows online training could be in a platform such as Second Life – scheduled times – with a tutor and colleagues – with the ability to ask real time questions – even chat to the people either side!
