Comments on: Experiments in blogging Raising The Eight Bar Thu, 10 May 2012 17:04:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joqanis Wed, 26 May 2010 00:25:57 +0000 I hear big blue is opening a new center in NC, and asking employee’s in Oregon to move and help w/new center at the employee’s expense? What is this? you want employee’s tomove but w/ not help w/ once cent of moving expenses. Here we have a Multi Billion Dollar company, who says they take care of there employee’s but are telling employee’s they have to pay there own way if they want to move and help BIG BLUE OPEN A NEW OFFICE pretty cheap on there part.

By: epredator Tue, 04 Dec 2007 18:50:24 +0000 I have posted an explanation, should one be needed over on my personal blog, to save the rambling polluting eightbar.

By: epredator Tue, 04 Dec 2007 18:34:50 +0000 @tina I am bothered that it was not on the topic of 3d printers. Just spam in that post.
I am bothered, as I said before that you have decided to take away my rights of free speech.
I am more worried that you seem to need some sort of victory against me when all I have done is suggest some ideas.
What is there to be tenable or untenable about. I am just not so happy with the way my company has treated me, but still love the job and the people around me that do it?
The views on this blog (in the main posts) are ours and ours alone. The comments we cannot be responsible for, but off topic and/or offensive etc we reserve editorial rights over.

By: Tina bell Tue, 04 Dec 2007 17:37:47 +0000 Lol, you clearly are bothered otherwise why delete my comment which concerned the concept of the deniable responsibility of this blog. Even the CIA does not think this is a tenable position now. Hypocrisy is always a difficult position to defend when it gets found out!
