Comments on: Metaverse Chess Raising The Eight Bar Thu, 10 May 2012 17:04:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rose Sat, 04 Apr 2009 01:17:34 +0000 This is the way things should be, get off what we are on now

By: Recipe for a Virtual World 3: places « Notes from a small field Sun, 10 Feb 2008 23:58:27 +0000 […] Recipe for a Virtual World 3: places Virtual Worlds need people and people need places. For collaboration or socialising, a sense of place sets virtual worlds apart from alternatives like instant messaging and conference calls. As in the real world, meeting to play games or do business (or both) in a virtual world needs a place to do it. Unlike the real world, there are few constraints to limit these places. It doesn’t rain if you don’t want it to, and you don’t need shade from the sun, so a roof becomes an aesthetic choice rather than a necessity. Physics; what goes up, might come down if you want it to. Yet the possibilities are not endless if you want a virtual space to be successful: the remaining constraints, other than any technical limitations, are formed by people’s expectations. And discovering what those are, and how they vary, is going to be interesting. (I’m going to predict that 3d blinking text won’t be popular!) […]

By: Sered Woollahra Mon, 14 Jan 2008 16:44:01 +0000 Thanks epredator. I am very much interested in this area, will keep an eye on it!

By: epredator Mon, 14 Jan 2008 15:18:11 +0000 @sered This metaverse is very focused on us learning and understanding how far things can be taken to engage with a corporate audience and the internal services and systems. You will see more about this as we want to share what we are finding, what works, what does not.

By: Sered Woollahra Fri, 11 Jan 2008 12:34:39 +0000 These sneak peeks are teasing indeed. Is there more, public information on IBM Metaverse? Or can we expect this anytime soon?

