Comments on: ‘Evolution of Games and Social Networks’ panel at VW08 – call for questions Raising The Eight Bar Thu, 10 May 2012 17:04:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: kapadokya Fri, 22 Jan 2010 14:49:01 +0000 Phone numbers are a fascinating example of how the real world is becoming less like a virtual world – in the old days a phone number located you at a point in space, these days a phone number follows your focus whereever it goes.

By: Andra Mon, 02 Feb 2009 12:41:27 +0000 Hey Roo,

virtual Worlds is some kind social network that can access from PS3 or PS3 has social network called VW?

List of Social Networking

By: eightbar » Blog Archive » Summary of social networks panel at VW08 Fri, 04 Apr 2008 21:26:28 +0000 […] a panel on virtual worlds, games and social networks at the Virtual Worlds 2008 conference today. I recently put out a request for questions here on Eightbar, and got a great response. Here are my (very poor and woefully incomplete) recollections of the […]

By: Roo Fri, 04 Apr 2008 20:56:19 +0000 Thanks everyone. I used several of these questions (didn’t get through them all I’m afraid). I’m working on a summary of the panel, including what I remember of the answers to these questions, which I’ll post here soon. Hopefully I’ll get a recording of the panel from the organizers soon, which will help flesh that out in more detail.

By: David Orban Fri, 04 Apr 2008 13:13:21 +0000 How silly! I mean, here is at greater length:

By: David Orban Fri, 04 Apr 2008 13:12:51 +0000 My question is: “Where are the people?” (Hint: in online worlds, not social networks, except Twitter…)

Here’s at greater length:

By: Peter Quirk Wed, 02 Apr 2008 20:48:06 +0000 I’d add to Alan’s question by asking what is the latest thinking on non-player characters (NPCs), their identities and their reputations? The US constitution recognizes corporations as “people”, so can a corporation be represented by an avatar? If so, how is its identity authenticated and how do we establish its reputation?

Beyond the corporation, it’s quite feasible for my intelligent house (or data center) to have an avatar. How do we tie its identity to my house and mine only? How can you trust my house when it asserts something such as the current energy consumption?

By: Alan Majer Wed, 02 Apr 2008 17:56:52 +0000 Here’s a few possible questions for the panel:

“While reputation systems have been useful for transactions systems on the web (e.g. eBay), they’ve haven’t tended to feature as prominently in social networks… for example while a ratings system was added to Second Life it didn’t really take off all that well. Is there a way to implement reputation systems in the social networks of online games (in a way that’s different from player level, scores, or standings)?”

“Part of the success of social networks like Facebook is that they try to be true to your actual identity – the face in facebook is your actual photograph and you’re not supposed to have multiple alts. This all changes in games, where being someone other than yourself is ok, and having multiple characters is often the norm. What’s the impact of having a non-real self to the structure an integrity of a social network?”

“Often, consumer technology is on a more rapid improvement curve than what’s available to enterprises. Today innovations in both virtual worlds and social networks are happening at a breakneck pace, in the process it’s redefining how people collaborate with each other socially. For enterprises, what do these new collaborative processes and environments tell us about how we can collaborate (perhaps using similar technology) more effectively in workplaces?”

By: epredator Wed, 02 Apr 2008 11:10:50 +0000 @timdp that is an interesting point around why you woudl hit PS3 Home. Though I think the curiosity factor may be a bit more like we seem to have with Xbox Live. I have some peoples gamer cards with the games they are playing/played, the things they have achieved with the points system across games. I suspect Home is more aimed at that. being able to visit Roo’s apartment to either talk to roo and join a game or to see what he has to show off from game acheivements.
The Xbox, you turnit on it signs in and you are attached to friends, its part of the substrate. If Sony do the same with home then people will end up in there anyway as part of the experience. At the moment you have to launch it like any other game.
I guess thats a question to all the panel “Do you think we benefit from choosing to go to a particular place or site virtual or web based versus it just being there all the time as part of what we do? Is it better to choose a task and be willing to engage with people, or just not really notice that you are engaged because its so pervasive?”
That’s a long question you dont have to ask that becuase it me Roo 🙂

By: kyb Wed, 02 Apr 2008 07:23:36 +0000 Phone numbers are a fascinating example of how the real world is becoming less like a virtual world – in the old days a phone number located you at a point in space, these days a phone number follows your focus whereever it goes.
