Comments on: Duelling eightbar twitterers – I “win”: sort of! Raising The Eight Bar Thu, 10 May 2012 17:04:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: epredator Mon, 02 Feb 2009 19:51:01 +0000 Thankyou Thoria 🙂 Its nice to get positive support aswell 🙂

By: Thoria Mon, 02 Feb 2009 01:20:25 +0000 Seriously, Paula? You’re complaining that somebody’s blog got in the way of your quick search for things IBM? Aren’t you just the centre of the universe. Some of us find this blog very interesting, thank you very much.

By: epredator Mon, 02 Feb 2009 00:45:26 +0000 paula, sorry that you feel unhappy on the purpose of eightbar. many of my colleagues feel an afinity to eightbar, not solely as a blog. We were discussing how we need to evolve and have more authors back in the fray from their personal blogs to talk about the other cool projects. I still have a way to go with virtual worlds and that journey has been successful. I am not so sure about having lost my job as that is not the case, it is an evolution of successful evangelism, comes with the territory.
I am sure you will see more from the crew on the smart sensor and eco focused projects, such as joining in on homecamp.

By: Paula Lionel Sun, 01 Feb 2009 22:47:56 +0000 What is the point of this blog? It keeps mentioning a group who may or may not be part of IBM and opinions that are not IBM’s. There is only one author and he seems to have lost his job in IBM. Is this an ego thing? I found it searching for info on IBM but its just an irrelevance and wastes time when searching for IBM

By: T.Rob Fri, 30 Jan 2009 18:36:00 +0000 Watch out @LeoLaporte, you have competition!
